Marriage Symbols Copy and Paste

A list to Copy and paste marriage symbols in just one click. Click a marriage symbol below to copy and paste.


What is the universal symbol for marriage?

The wedding ring is perhaps the most recognisable symbol of marriage. Wedding rings are meant to last forever – a timeless symbol of love and commitment. They are often passed down from generation to generation, becoming heirlooms of priceless significance, within each of the stories of those who once wore them.

What are the four symbols of marriage?

The symbolism of wedding customs is shown in the wedding ring, joining of hands, and the presence of small children around the bride. The children are a form of sympathetic magic, and symbolize future children. The custom of throwing grain, rice, or confetti is another fertility symbol.

What is the most important symbol of marriage?

Mangalsutra: This necklace is made in a variety of designs in accordance with the traditions of the caste and community of the married couple. Mangalsutra is the most common symbol of marriage.

What is the sacred symbol of marriage?

Mangalsutra: The sacred pendant of women as symbol of Marriage in India.