Gender Symbols Copy and Paste

A list to Copy and paste Gender Symbols in just one click. Click a Gender Symbol below to copy and paste.


What does this symbol mean ⚥?

A symbol used to convey bisexuality, showing a female sign and male sign interlocked. Interlocked Female and Male Sign was approved as part of Unicode 4.1 in 2005.

What is the gender symbol for a female?

symbol ♀
Symbol. The symbol ♀ (Unicode: U+2640 Alt codes: Alt+12), a circle with a small cross underneath, is commonly used to represent females.

What is the gender symbol emoji?

The male sign emoji, ♂, represents the male sex or gender, especially used to indicate the male form of an emoji person, like man pouting emoji 🙎‍♂️ or man construction worker 👷‍♂️. Related words: ♀ female sign emoji. 🤦‍♂️ man facepalming emoji.

What is the symbol for gender neutral people?

A gender symbol meant to represent nonbinary individuals specifically. The use of the “x” was a decision made by the creator (Johnathan R), in 2012, due to the rise of use of “x” as a letter that represents nonbinary individuals both legally and in pronouns and titles.